Turquoise 2024

One by K café : 7h30 / 18h : petit-déjeuner, lunch et pause gourmande de l’après-midi. 7:30am / 6:00pm : breakfast, lunch and gourmet snacks in afternoon One by K shop 9h / 18h – Tous les jeudis, soirée shopping jusqu’à 21h, carte tapas et DJ 9am / 6pm - Every Thursday, night shopping until 9pm, tapas menu and DJ Fermé le dimanche / Closed on Sunday GALERIE MILLENIA - HOPE ESTATE - 05 90 27 17 94 oneloveonelifeoneislandsxm one love family sxm L’EQUIPE C O N C E P T S T O R E & CAFÉ The One Love Family Story One Love, One Life, One Island, a true symbol RI RXU LVODQG $ EUDQG DQG D IDPLO\ RI WDOHQWHG HQWUHSUHQHXUV 7KHLU PRVW UHFHQW FUHDWLRQ LV D JURXS HIIRUW WKHLU ƓUVW FRPELQDWLRQ FRQFHSW store and café bistro in Saint Martin. .DULQH GHVLJQHU RI WKH EUDQG PDQDJHV ZLWK KHU GDXJKWHU $QRXFN WKLV FRQFHSW VWRUH D lifestyle trendsetter. Her husband, David, runs the restaurant, cleverly integrated into this friendly new place. Maxime, her son, has turned his passion into a profession, as head of WKH &DEDQH GX 3¬FKHXU DQG SURYLGHV VXSHU IUHVK ƓVK WR WKH UHVWDXUDQW HYHU\ GD\ $QG Mae, the sister and young artist, who designs and paints wooden magnets, sold in the concept store. Open spaces, cleverly designed, a VKRUW ELVWUR PHQX ƓOOHG ZLWK LQYHQWLYH generous gourmet cuisine, and dishes that change based on availability and the chef’s inspiration. One Love, One Life, One Island, a one-of-a-kind experience in Hope Estate at the new Galerie Millenia.